Hawk through the Wall (Buckeye High School Gym)
Lions' Reprieve (Patterson Elementary Library)
Owl through the Wall (Agua Fria High School Gym)
European Cafe (Riverside Elementary Teacher's Lounge)
Children's Characters (DC Ranch)
Conley Coyotes Family (Conley Elementary School)
Snake Pit (Verrado High School Cafeteria)
Roughrider (Youngker High School Wall)
Roughrider through the Wall (Youngker High School Gym)
Lion Pride (Riverside Elementary Office)
Wolves through the Wall (Estrella Foothills High School Gym)
Tempe Academy Logo (Tempe Academy Gym)
Dolphins at Play (Riverside Elementary Office)
Humpback Whales (Riverside Elementary Nurse's Office)
Hot Air Balloons (Arredondo Elementary School)
Venetian Style Storefronts (King's Ridge Middle School Cafeteria)
Zebra Savanna (Riverside Elementary Lobby)
Elephants Over the Wall (Riverside Elementary Office)
Princeton University (King's Ridge Middle School Lobby)
Yale University (King's Ridge Middle School Lobby)